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In His Image
I wrote this poem in 1999 around the same time as "Free." I had obviously been seriously moved by the Holy Spirit,and these words were left in its wake.

So you feel you've had enough...
Why is God picking on you anyway?

What was it that you did
to make the bad times want to stay?

The answer is all too simple;
it's been right in front of you and me.

It's what you don't realize
and what you won't see.

God is trying to break you,
so that what's wrong can be made right.

He's trying to bring you out of the dark
and into His loving light.

You say, “I just don't see it.
It's really just my bad luck.”

But, again, it's what you don't realize
that's causing you to stay stuck.

God sent His Son to die for you...
to hang on a cross of pain.

So that through His death you could be saved...
by erasing all the sins that stain.

It's not through good deeds
or how much money that you give.

You can't save yourself
by the way that you live.

Is God really picking on you?
No, and I truly do believe...

God sent His Son to die for you
to offer you a reprieve.

He doesn't ask with candy and flowers
for us to believe on His Son, our Saviour.

He asks through blood and tears
for us to follow His Son's behavior.

You may still ask, “Is it fair?”
when times get really tough.

The answer is on the cross...
Jesus did enough.