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Carey, April 2001
Carey - Apr. 2001
Chuck, 1996
Chuck - 1996
Courtney - January 2001

In His Image
About Me
Hi there!  I finally have an updated picture of myself thanks to a new digital camera I just got.  As you can tell, a lot has changed since 1998!  lol

I guess the best place to start would be at the beginning...  I was born in Plattsburgh, NY on September 30.  My parents thought they had decided on my name before I was born (Logan Marie), but changed their minds soon after I was born... and so the world welcomed Carey Lynn.

I grew up as an Air Force brat and lived on Air Force bases up to the age of seventeen.  My dad retired shortly after I graduated from high school and we moved back to Plattsburgh.

Now most of you are asking yourself, "Plattsburgh?!  Where the heck is that???" It's in upstate New York... about 40 miles or so from the Canadian border.  Or, about an hour and a half south of Montreal.  It's a quiet little city (or should I say town...) My parents and sister still live there.

I have a younger brother and sister named Chuck and Courtney (their pictures are to the left!). I'm almost four years older than Chuck and almost twelve years older than Courtney. Sometimes I feel like the younger sister because they're both taller than I am (ha ha ha), but there are times when I listen to them talk about things that makes me feel MUCH older... lol

Anyway, back to my story... I went through the normal "growing pains" and tried to turn both of my parents' hair white (as most teenagers and young adults usually  try to do).

I tried college right out of high school, but didn't have the focus to continue after the first semester.  I took five years off and later returned to the same college.  I was ready to go back to school at that point and did quite well.  I graduated with honors and a member of the honor society.

Ok. That was fun (wasn't it?), but let's forward through my life a little bit here and meet up with me in 1998, shall we?

In March of 1998, I was hired to be an Administrative Assistant by a company in Albany (and for those of you who are as "geography-challenged" as I am, that would be Albany the capital of New York).  =)

I'm still employed by the same company (even if we were bought out and had to change our name!) and I've changed jobs within the company (less stress!), but I hope to remain there.

I get back to Plattsburgh as often as I can, but it's usually for the long weekends (due to holidays), but even so, I wish I could visit more often.

A wonderful moment in my life was when God brought Brian into my life.  We met in July of 1998 and have been inseparable ever since.  We've been together almost three years now and we continue to pray that it is God's will that we spend the rest of our lives together.

Brian & Carey  July 2000

     Brian  Brian and Carey 2  
Click on the thumbnails to see the full-size pictures of Brian and I.

Brian is a wonderful man. He treats me with a lot of respect and shows me how much he loves me in everything that he does. As an example, for my first birthday that we were together (in 1998), he took me to his church for the first time. (Now, just so you understand, I was saved eleven days later, but that's another story... see My Testimony)

Looking back, except for my salvation, I don't think I've ever received as precious a gift as the one Brian gave me for my 30th birthday.  He helped place my feet on the road to my salvation and to my present-day joy and peace.

Brian and I sing duets in church, as well as solos.  Now growing up, I had never sung in church except from the pew and so standing up in front of a bunch of people singing my heart out for Christ was (and still is) quite an experience.

Brian and I (together and as soloists) seem to be quite popular with our congregation.  We are continually asked when we're going to take our music "on the road," or even better, when we're going to make some "professional recordings."

As far as a music ministry goes, Brian and I believe that God's plan for our lives will kick into high gear once we're married.  We're excited at the prospect of singing for the Lord on a regular basis.

Brian heads up the drama ministry at our church and I am  computer "geek" support.  (I'm the one who actually volunteers to do programs and booklets to help our pastor.) =)

Actually, I enjoy almost anything that has to do with computers and creativity. If my helping Pastor make up bulletins, brochures, pamphlets, and programs will encourage others to spread the Gospel, then I am grateful for the opportunity to serve.

Berean Baptist Church

The name of our church is Berean Baptist Church... A Church With A Healing Heart. Doesn't that sound nice? Well, let me tell you... I fell in love with the people there and that was one of the many reasons why I went back and continue to go back.  I have never been in a church that was so compassionate and fun.  They honestly cared about me and they barely knew me!

I can't think of anything else at the moment to add, but I will update when I can.

Thanks for wanting to get to know me better.  Drop me a line via my guestbook on this site, or visit my main website and fill out a Comment Form.  I appreciate all feedback.

Love in Christ,     ~Carey

PS:  Brian and I got married April 27, 2002!!!